Saturday 18 March 2017

Visit from Uncle Brian and Aunt Jill

Dear Noah and Toby,

Yesterday daddy's cousin Brian (your cousin) and his wife Jill came to visit us in Alameda! The weather was great and it was fun to see them. We walked to park st and all had dinner (crust for Noah) and some other good stuff. Hope to see them soon!


Mommy and Daddy too

Haircut for Toby

Dear Toby,
This weekend you got your second haircut. You look great and very 'boyish' as your mom says. You cried alot more than last time because i guess you knew what was coming although it wasnt scary! Anyways, it was over pretty quickly and then you got ice cream as a reward...yum

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Reading Books

Dear Noah,

You love books! Heres a picture of you and mommy reading books before bedtime!



Saturday 12 October 2013

Sleeping Cuteness

Dear Noah,

More pictures of you sleeping.  Mommy just can't help but capture how adorable you look when you are getting your Zzz's and happily snoring away.

Mommy & Daddy

Saturday 28 September 2013

I Don't Need No (Baby Seat)

Dear Noah,

Yesterday was a big day!  First, in the morning you sat upright in a big boy chair to prove to us that you're ready for anything. 

Next, you went to the Doctor's where you did three stomach to back rolls in a row while we were waiting for the Doctor. Everything is looking pretty good although you could gain a little more weight.  After that, you were really brave getting two shots. Mommy couldn't watch but you held Daddy's hand and only cried a little!

In the evening Gong Gong and Pau Pau came to visit and gave you all sorts of attention.

Mommy, Daddy, Gong Gong and Pau Pau are looking forward to hanging out with you this weekend.

Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Week 1 of Daycare

Dear Noah,

You officially started daycare on Monday, Sept 23rd.  Seems like you don't mind us waking you up at 6:30am.  We get better everyday in getting you ready and out the door on time (on time so Daddy and Mommy can get to work at reasonable times).  Pretty soon we'll be like pros!

Here are some pictures from the week:

Day 1 - wise like an owl.  This was actually taken after you came home, hence you looked a bit tired.

Day 2 - ready to rock.  Here you were in your carseat, waiting with your daycare bag for Mommy and Daddy to take you.

Day 3 - being preppy.  It was picture day at school so Mommy dressed you up in your prepster outfit.  The Oxford shirt is a bit too big for you but you looked cool and hip nonetheless.  Pau Pau saw this picture and commented that you looked "scholastic".  Ha.

Day 4 - calm, cool and collected.  Here you were after breakfast and outfit change and just waiting to get going.

You didn't go to school on Friday (day 5) because you had your 3-month check-up, plus Gong Gong and Pau Pau were coming to visit.  It was nice to have you around because Mommy has been missing you so much.  Even though you are doing well and Mommy is, in some ways, happy to be productive and go back to work, it is still hard not being able to spend all of her time with you.  We'll just have to make it for it with extra hugs and kisses whenever you and Mommy are together!!

Mommy & Daddy

Monday 23 September 2013

3 Months Old

Dear Noah,

Yesterday was your 3-month-old birthday!  We didn't do much to celebrate, but we did take you to Target for the first time.  Mommy loves Target (she used to work for them!) and was thrilled to show you how great of a store it is.

You were a bit unsure of the new surroundings and started getting a little bit fussy, so Daddy got you out of the stroller and held you as we shopped.  Daddy saw the price scanner and couldn't help himself...

You are, of course, priceless!  :)

Here is the "official" 3-month-old shot.  You wore the awesome onesie that Uncle Will got you from Shake Shack.  Hopefully you will graduate from being a small-sized fry to a larger-sized fry soon!

Mommy & Daddy